Tuesday, April 01, 2003
09/13/02: All monkeys become belligerent:
We'll see how long you last under this load
No more rationales
Your cache has been obliterated (see optimized)
09/13/02: Sleep deprivation seems highly likely on Thursday and Sunday nights. Obviously the post-"You lost your lock" sleep deprivation (See Indian Monkey programming techniques), or the pre-game sleep deprivation. Or for one or more of cleaning, regressing, yinshulizing, or layering of the complex. Or yet another demo of death inducing techniques followed by a demo of "reawakening" using resources.
09/11/2002: The Indian monkeys railing, is growing increasingly frantic, with new monkeyspeak, knowledge, etc.
09/04/2002: The Indian pimp monkey has also restarted its "algorithm", with preliminary yinshulizing, cleaning, demos etc.
09/03/2002: A new monkey (Indian ?) has arrived. This ones catchphrase is "Verrry good". Some other monkeys have informed me that it is calibrating me.
08/30/2002: The HP monkey has restarted its "algorithm" (as assured).
07/29/2002: New troupes of Indian monkeys are arriving almost everyday. The catchphrases of the latest lots are "Give up", and "You've learned/You're learning". A "Good" and a new "look at me" also appear to have joined the horde.
Indian monkeys: a bunch of megalomaniacal, grandstanding, yammering simians. Imbeciles with equipment.
Commercial monkeys claiming to be from various Universities.
"Dhairiyuma/Anasyuma" Claims to be saving me from them
"My dear young/dead man"
"Appadi vange"
"Give up"/"You're lyearning"/"You've lyearned"
Claims to have come from Stanford to ...
"Verrry good": The Calibrator ("this is how accurately we have calibrated you", etc.)
Claims to have come from MIT to help/make productive/...
"Look at me"
Meat monkey: "I'm eating meat"
"Nidhana saar"/"Dyeah, dyeah"/"My dyeah"/"Amygdala guru/Cognoscenti": Grandstanding cock and pimp monkey.
Also claims to have come from Stanford to ... . Yammers and effects constantly during physical activities. Mostly homo smut.
"Dyeaar, relex"
Yammered/effected constantly during Portland trip (incl. flight/light rail)
Barking monkey: "Give up, give up right now before I explode your heart"
(Also "no vay, No vay, No Vay, NO VAY")
"Moole vedinjhidum/Moole vediyinuma" (Brain will explode/Do you want brain to explode ?)
"Omega guru"
Paaaal : processorspeaking monkey ("We taped you out", etc.). The heart stopper.
Monkeyspeak:definitions to be provided later
Usage: "You lost your lock". "How is my lock ?".
Usage: "Real good move".
"Wrong move."
"He anticipated your move".
Usage: "You lost your lock". "You won the/that game".
Usage:They are evaluating you
Usage: You failed the evaluation
Clean: clean the brain = wash the brain = brainwash
Usage: We'll clean you more
Usage: We're just testing
Usage: I need to test it
Usage: "We want you... we mix".
Seems a little odd being offered as an apparent incentive, when mixing consists of a combination of cleaning and regression.
Usage: This is the way they optimize my dear
Usage: Optimize for what my dear man ?
Rape (nothing to do with sex... see "Make lou"):
Usage: You're getting raped by your ego
Fuck (nothing to do with sex... see "Make lou")
Usage:You're in lou with your advisor.
Make lou: Indian monkeyspeak for "have sex" (Indian monkeys appear to be a little inhibited w.r.t. sex) (also "go to bed with...", etc.)
Machine: Make lou
Usage: "You will machine it".
Oil: natural/synthetic
Complex Usage: Relex, testing complex
Usage:We layer the complex.
Left brain
Poulet (french speaking monkeys version of chicken)
Usage: Get down. Go down. Come down. Jump down.
Homo: Indian monkeyspeak for "Gay male" (and gay male sex)
Usage: Without thinking he'll make you homo.
Homo female: Indian monkeyspeak for "Lesbian"
Usage: You're a homo female.
Usage:Ok, one day
Time of day (non-numeric): morning/afternoon/night
Time of day (numeric):
Usage: Coronary... 6:20
Usage: See you at 5:00
Usage: I'll drive you
Ride: synonym for drive (depends on what the monkey wants the drivee/ridee to think of it)
Usage: My vay
Usage: Your vay
Usage: Own vay
Usage: No vay
Usage: Now you'll know what the manual vay is
Manual Vay: (? "We'll see how many muscles you can control")
Usage:Your load capacity has increased
Usage: You're lyearning, my dyear
Usage: You didn't lyearn
Usage: They didn't lyearn
Usage: Make them lyearn
Usage: I'll teach you manners
Usage: I'll teach you manners in the toilet
Sublimation: Connecting to cock/Lyearn to control cock
Cache tag
Interrupt handler
Zeroed out
Operating Systems
Locked page
Write to disk
Bay Area
United States
Exhaustive search
Depth first search
Breadth first search
Usage: The pre-planning algorithm dujn't werk"
Monkeyspeak for monkeys
Usage: We are your gods
Usage: We are the directors of the world
Usage: We are gurus
Pre web-page Indian monkey rationales (early 2002 -)
This is what happens if you write a paper with Monica Lam
Wrong day to write a paper with Monica Lam
Wrong day to write a paper
Wrong day to ...
Wrong day ...
We've come to reconnect you to society (via the cock in the mouth (?))
This is uvver yarea
You're a thief
Pre web-page monkey rationales (early 2002 -)
Its the alpha males
This is my area
Relax, we got you
Post web-page monkey rationales (07/12/2002 -)
You have cracked
So, are there any ? (rationale ?)
Post web-page rationales, heh, heh
This is the way they optimize my dear man
This is HP
We made you concentrate
We're here to make you productive
Your load capacity has increased
Got it (?)
We came from MIT to help you out
Its the government
The Indians are losing because of you
"They've" won because of you
We are optimizing your load capacity
We are optimizing your cache capacity
We ryeally have optimized your cache capacity
Post-termination Indian monkey rationales (09/22/2003 -)
Relex, yinshulizing
Relex, this is vay we yinshulize
Relex, giving knowledge
Catharsis: Connecting to yemotion/Lyearn to control yemotion
Sublimation: Connecting to cock/Lyearn to control cock
You are one of uvvers
This is yinternational level
You are no match for them
Changing algorithm
Switching complex
Yeverything must come out
Thinking, thinking, thinking too much
You're in lou with your advisor
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Nidhaanama paarunge (Slowly realize... (what we made you do))
Indian Monkey programming techniques
Railing: continuous yammering; 18-20 hours a day
Sleep disruption
09/13/02: Sleep deprivation seems highly likely on Thursday and Sunday nights. Obviously the post-"You lost your lock" sleep deprivation (See Indian Monkey programming techniques), or the pre-game sleep deprivation. Or for one or more of cleaning, regressing, yinshulizing, or layering of the complex. Or yet another demo of death inducing techniques followed by a demo of "reawakening" using resources.
Sleep deprivation
REM sleep deprivation
Sleep cycle disruption
Monkey Rationales
You lost your lock
We're breaking that lock
No way you can sleep... I'm yinshulizing you
We'll see how you relax
No licking allowed
Actual effects
Easier cleaning
Good monkey/bad monkey
Better monkey/worse monkey
If I yinshulize/clean you more you'll go crazy
I'll make you cross-eyed
You'll beg me to let you go for two seconds
Autonomous bodily functions
Defacation: Toilet training
General Monkey programming techniques
"We'll see how many muscles you can control"
Autonomous bodily functions
Heart function (heart lock)
Rate (slow/rapid)
Intensity (weak/strong)
Palpitations (convenient instant panic inducer, often used when interacting with colleagues)
"You're shy"
"We're taking you out of your shell"
"We're warning you that this attitude will result in a coronary"
Slow weak heartbeat
Fatigue, chilly extremeties ("Its the airconditioning") (01/18/2003: "Eat more sugar")
(09/11/02) Now always used when
In cubicle
Playing table-tennis
Voluntary muscle control
Sensory functions
Eye function (eye lock)
09/03/2002: My eyes have been getting optimized for the past few weeks making reading increasingly difficult. Apparently an "optimal" software engineer should not be able to read (anything other than code).
The monkey log
08, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Driver of people
... if I'm wrong my dear
You just sooicided
Theres nothing wrong with typing slowly
This is the reason why ...
Now they'll rape you
Now they'll reely rape you
This is sheer bravado
You'll get fucked now
Clean out my dear
This is the most puerile response my dear
Damn good
You'll be destroyed
We just destroyed you
You're a demo my dear
Yinteresting phenomena my dear
You'll feel hot now
Vell played
... overconfidence (?)
you did nothing
Now we'll do those things
Now we'll do those things to you
Jesus Christ
One by one we will reveal you the meaning of those terms
You didn't learn
Kneel down
You're not so popular
Dashed good
Look at me
No more weekends
Blue skin
I think about you all the time
I think about you all the time
I think about you all the time
Keep watching/watch it (?)
Save your farts man
We don't like you
Thats bad
All makes sense now
Get it ?
They keep you out of it
09, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
I'm (you're ?) in trouble
Not good, heh
Look at her
Your load capacity has increased
Branded for life (?)
I've got a few of my own
Not bad
Not bad
Not bad
Says Monica
Please god no
You will be zombie-ised within two days
We won't help you
Real good
Real good
Real good
Now I'll rape you
Keep thinking
Thank you
She likes you
She likes you
She likes you very much
She likes you a lot
He just erased your memory
This is the meaning of swapping you out
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Dear god, dear god
Will you kneel before me ?
Is what my dear ?
I love you very much
My dyear
Pretty good
Praise the lord
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Avalo anasyuma
Avalo anasyuma ungalukku
Appadi vange
Rombo deep thinking
Appdi vange thambi
10, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
Oh, very well
Very good
Reely ?
Give up
Calm down, you have a date
Not to worry, right here
We'll fuck you up
I like it
First I'll fuck you, then I'll help you out
This is the Rigo effect
...(?) Alaska
I'll fuck him
This is good
Thank you
This is his response
Too late
You're a dead man my dear
She is declaring
This is crazy
He goaded you into doing that
Well left my dear
They are breaking the door lock
Look at me more
Look at me more
Look at me more
This is good
You laugh too much
Give up
That was not Rigo
They won
Let me explain to you one more time
This is the Rigo effect
Interesting accent you have
Thank you Mr. Sathyanathan for obeying our orders
Dear god
This is the meaning of declaring
Rapidly repeated
I had an interesting experience
I live in San Jose
I had an interesting experience
I live in San Jose
I had an interesting experience
I live in San Jose
I had an interesting experience
I live in San Jose
Look at me
All along I've been nice to you
Look at me
12, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you, my friend
This is the technology we made
Give up
Give up
Dear god
This is the way they optimize my dear
This is the way they optimize my dear man
Optimize for what my dear man ?
Are you mad at me
Dear god
My dear chap, they made you type out a message to the HP monkey
You have cracked
With all due respect my dear chap ...
You're a gift from the Indian monkeys to the HP monkey
Optimize for what my dear man ?
This is one of the rationales
Welcome, this is Dennis Handleys life
Thank you
15, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
You have no concept of what is going on in your head my dear
My dear chap
My dear chap
My dear chap
You're going to eat crow
Let me explain what I mean by that
Real good
Real good
Real good algorithm
This is your reaction
Confirm he's dead
You're on
You're on
Forget it
You saw my ass
Oh my
16, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
They read your web page
Please leave
Give up
Give up
This is his response
Real good
This is yilarious
My dear chap
Give up my dyear
This is his response my dyear
You will not succeed with this kind of attitude my dyear
My dear chap
My dear chap
My dear chap
Let me explain to you the meaning of exponential slowdown
Real good move
That does not work my dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Now I'm going to rape you
This is the meaning of pig-headedness
You have to leave
We'll see how many web-pages you'll make
Real good
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Hard luck
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Appdi vange thambi
Rombove nandringe
Ippe yeppdinge
Ippe yeppdinge
Ippe yeppdinge
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Kannada
Nidhana saar
Nidhaana nodi
17, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
My dear chap
My dear chap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
Too much
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Azhe vardhungla
Azhe vardhungla
Azhe vardhungla
Appadi vange
Appadi vange
18, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
19, July 2002
My dyear chyap
Nidhaana saar, you just sooicided my dyear
My dear chap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
22, July 2002
Today's catchphrase:
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
Give up
You need to look at me
You need to look at me
You need to look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
23, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Now you get sick
24, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
Today's catchphrase again:
Give up
It doesn't work
It doesn't work
My dyear chyap
It doesn't work, my dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
There you go: networking
Too close
Too close
Too close to the truth
Too close to the truth
I've killed you before
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Appdi vange thambi
Purile yengalukkum
25, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: xx REM: xx
Today's catchphrase:
You've learned
You're learning
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Wanna play ?
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Calmaa irukkenum, yenne
Calmaa irukkenum, yenne
Calmaa irukkenum, yenne
26, July 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 3-4 hours REM: 0 hours
Today's catchphrase:
You've learned
You're learning
I'll triage that
One on one
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
... you're not working
We'll bash you in your head
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Calmaa irukkenum, yenne
Calmaa irukkenum, yenne
Calmaa irukkenum, yenne
29, July 2002
Thank you
I'll kill you slowly
I'll rape you more
You're learning pal
Real good ... I like it
30, July 2002
Today's catchphrase:
Give up
You're out of it
She is a lesbian
Today I'll kill John
You're gonna eat
You got it
You wanna look at me ?
Over and over
There are many levels
Figures I can draw
You're really dead now
You're really dead
Please give up
Really bold you've become
The new "Look at me"
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo yeppdinge
Ippo yeppdinge
Ippo yeppdinge
31, July 2002
28 minutes
San Francisco
I'm doing this
She softens you up
Too sophisticated for you
Do you want me to repeat the algorithm ?
Please go home
Thank you for trying
Its OK, its ok
The old "Look at me"
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
You've just been sentenced to death
I just killed you
Just now I destroyed you
You'll regret this decision to call me a monkey, my dear
Stop trying
Think slowly
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Really heavy brain you have, I'm going to remove the frontal lobe
1, August 2002
Fuck you
This is the procedure
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
It doesn't work
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Appdi vange
Appdi vange
Appdi vange
Appdi vange
2, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 3-4 hours REM: ? hours
You're dead
You're really dead
You're really dead
Jesus christ
Please leave the country
Jesus christ
You're typing your own sentence
Please fuck me harder
5, August 2002
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Now I'll raise you
Look at me
Look at me
Time to work
We've cracked you
You lost it
Keep looking
Give up
Give up
Give up
You're learning
You're learning
You're learning
Give up
Give up
Give up
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Kannada
Nidhaana nodi
Nidhaana nodi
Nidhaana nodi
6, August 2002
Today's catchphrase:
No way
Look at me
No way
No way
No way
No way
You've killed (you'll kill ?) me
No way
No way
No way
Jesus christ, we've just destroyed you
No way
No way
No way
No more
No more
No more
Real easy
Real easy
Real easy
Ok, I'll give you half an hour
Get out
Get out
Get out now
Get out now
He just fucked you
Enough ?
Sungdo fucked you
You looked at me
You will machine it
We came to help you out
You're a computer
Real good
Real good
The old "Look at me"
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Kannada
Nidhaana yezhi saar
Nidhaana yezhi saar
7, August 2002
Door-slamming sounds restart after a brief respite.
A new monkey (Indian (?), panic, ) seems to have arrived recently to join the horde. Its catchphrase is a wheedling "Paal...". It has threatened to stop my heart (maybe a friend of "Coronary ... 6:20" ?).
Today's catchphrase:
Look at me
Give up
You lost
I love you, are you coming down
Welcome back
You're dead
Real good
Pal leave HP
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
You're going to jail
Relax, we'll protect you (*)
Leave HP now before I stop your heart
Bigger ?
You just fucked up
Youst (?)
Pal, I wasn't threatening you... I was just testing your complex
It will last for half an hour
You're good
Sungdo won this one
Real good
You're getting fucked
You won that one
You lost that one
You're learning
You're learning
You're learning
The HP monkey broke your lock
... investigation ...
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Thats baaad
Oh ? ... I'm going to break his ...(?) work around it
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Ok, one day
All monkeys in rapid succession:
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Kannada
8, August 2002
More walkbys than usual: apparently the expected demo
We'll work around you
We'll walk around you
I'm your father
You lost it
Now I'll break you
Now I'll break you
Now I'll break you
Vegetable I'll make you
12, August 2002
More than the usual "sounds of running feet": apparently another demo
I'm going to fuck you
Have a good night
Would you like me to keep your heart lock back ?
Thats crazy
Someone became a female just now
Beg for your heart lock
You just fucked up
He (it ?) likes this complex my dyear
Dyear, dyear
13, August 2002
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some "sounds of running feet".
A few walkbys (demo ? or a match to the first pattern below)
He's the manager
I like it
Afternoons events
More walkbys, demos, and a few games.
Heh, heh, ...
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
I'll fuck your happiness
Allow me to demonstrate the manual method of ...(?)
You're doing great
You fell for the trap my dyear
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Kannada
Nidhaana yezhi
Nidhaana yezhi
Nidhaana yezhi guruve
Several monkeys in rapid succession:
14, August 2002
Six month anniversary of the arrival of the Indian pimp/non-pimp monkeys
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some demos.
...(?) CS ...(?)
I like thees complex
Give up
Large lunch demo at Chilis.
Afternoons events
Some walkbys, and a few demos.
Mostly "look at me"'s by several monkeys
Give up
15, August 2002
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
I lost you
Some walkbys, and a few peepovers.
Henh, henh
You'll die
I'm not a professional
Look at me
Pal ...
My dyear chap ...
Look at me
Look at me
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Kannada
Nidhaana yezhi
Nidhaana yezhi
Nidhaana yezhi saar
16, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 0.5-1 hour REM: ? hours
Perhaps sleep deprived by yesterdays "You'll die". Or for one or more of cleaning, regressing, yinshulizing, or layering of the complex (which seems to consist entirely of layer upon layer of sleep disruption).
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
... Saudi Arabia ...(?)
... penis ...(?)
Look at you (me ?)
I looked and looked and looked
You got it
Some walkbys.
You lost
Its hard to drive you
Oh my
Damn good
I warned you
You lost your lock
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Pleeease go home pal
Pleeease go home pal
Pleeease go home pal
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Kannada
Nidhaana nodi
Nidhaana nodi
Nidhaana nodi
19, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
A mini tableau outside the entrance (? the HP monkey will likely provide rationale(s)).
We're in
You're good
Tonight you'll die
20, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 1-2 hours REM: ? hours
Perhaps sleep deprived by yesterdays "Tonight you'll die". Or for one or more of cleaning, regressing, yinshulizing, or layering of the complex. Or yet another demo of death inducing techniques followed by a demo of "reawakening" using resources.
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Another of the continuing series of tableaux around the entrance (? the HP monkey will likely provide rationale(s)).
Some walkbys.
I'll fuck you
We've destroyed you
Henh, henh
You don't like me
21, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
A walkby.
Look at me
I'll fuck you
Look at me
Look at me
More demos, some walkbys, and a game.
Some "sounds of running feet".
Today I'll mix you up
He doesn't know
Don't fight (play ?) with David Gross. You'll get mixed up.
You just sooicided
...(?) will fuck you
Oh my God, you just ...(?)
David Gross won the (game ?)
Virgin I'll give you
You're learning
Deep thinking
Now they'll rape you more and more my friend
My friend
My friend
... (?) doesn't, I yinshulize
You could have made lou to a virgin
We've deprived you of the best sex of your life
Want some water ? (see drink)
22, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
Please leave now
Please leave now
Please leave now
Please leave now
Please leave now
Please leave now
Please leave now, I just yinshulized you
Please leave now, I just yinshulized you
Please leave now, I just yinshulized you
Please leave now, I just yinshulized you
Give up
No typing
Give up
Give up
Give up my dyear
My dyear chap
23, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 2-3 hours REM: XX hours
Probably the post-"You lost your lock" sleep deprivation (See Indian Monkey programming techniques), or the pre-game sleep deprivation. Or for one or more of cleaning, regressing, yinshulizing, or layering of the complex. Or yet another demo of death inducing techniques followed by a demo of "reawakening" using resources.
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some walkbys, and some demos.
They laugh at you
You fucked up
No, heh heh heh
We will demonstrate ...(?) your father
You lost your lock my friend
This is good
You fucked up just now
This is good
You lost your lock my friend
This is good
My my
26, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
More demos, some walkbys, some sniggering.
Give up
Give up
Give up
Now you'll know what the manual vay is
You're dead
You're dead
You're dead
27, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some walkbys, and a few peepovers.
You're dead
You're dead
You're dead
That was your favourite one
That was efficiency
There are no walkbys or demos
Leave town
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
You'll regret this
Did you get a good look at me ?
Door-slamming sounds resume.
File deletions again ("This is how real men play").
I love you ...(?)
The HP monkey just fucked you
Give up
You fight (play) like a girl
This is how real men play
It is a bug my dyear
Now you're dead
It is a genuine bug my dyear
You're dead
You're dead
We just fucked you
Give up
Give up
You're Christ
I've destroyed you
You just fucked up
Youst (?)
You're learning
Give up
Give up
Real deep
Real deep
You're dead
You're dead
Jin Park declared
Real good Mr. Sathyanathan
With all due respect my dyear
With all due respect my dyear
With all due respect my dyear, you've just declared to the HP monkey
You're a can my dyear
28, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 3-4 hours REM: ? hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some walkbys.
The HP monkey seems to be restarting its "algorithm" ("Do you want me to repeat the algorithm ?").
And it assured me that it is ("It is").
Some walkbys, some sniggering.
You're revealing your ignorance of ...(?) my dyear
Now I'll rape you
I like this complex
Give up
...(?) sealions
Give up
Give up
Really good
Really good
Jesus Christ
The HP monkey is making you go round and round my dyear
The HP monkey has ("they've") already raped your PC my dyear
Climb down
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
It's a (?) present
Read your email
You lost your lock my friend
Damn good
We just fucked you my dyear
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Do you know how moronic that sounds
The HP monkey will make you learn to lou (love) the old lady
You just tapped Sungdo
Now I'll rape you if you type out my railings
Give up
Give up
Give up
You just lost your lock my friend
This is good
The HP monkey will switch to American voices now
Thank you
This is good
Please leave
Allright, I won't talk to you
Be careful
"They're" giving you knowledge
Best of luck
My dyear chyap "they've" declared
This is the vay they optimize
Heh, heh, good
Oh yeah
Very bold
Now "they'll" fuck you up
Oh my god
You're a robot
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
It has led you into a trap my dyear chap
You've already been calibrated
You've been calibrated
Thank you
Got it, you've already been calibrated
Jeesus Christ, this is what "they" wanted to know
You're dead
You're dead, lobotomy
You'll be dead by tomorrow morning
29, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some walkbys.
Got it
You're so bold you're ...(?)
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
You're dead
I got it
The HP monkey tranquilized you
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
You're dead
You're dead
30, August 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some demos.
The HP monkey has restarted its "algorithm" (as assured).
Real good
Leave the country
This is your reward
No more good time, you must work under load for ... (?)
Thats its sentence
You're a dumb guy, got it ?
You just lost your lock my friend
Look at me
Look at me
Look at her
The HP monkey just fucked you
Give up
Give up
Give up
Get it ?
We just whipped you
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
You just fucked up
You've revealed ...
3, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Your child is crying in agony
The HP monkey was killed for you
It doesn't work
It doesn't work
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
We just fucked you my dyear
I'll lock your heart
You're dead
You're dead
No vay
No vay
No vay
It doesn't work
It doesn't work my friend
No vay
No vay
No vay
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Look at me
Look at me
Some walkbys, a few peepovers, and some demos.
You'll live
Seven days to figure out this problem (see bugs)
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
This is David Gross' asshole
Jeezus Christ, the HP monkey just fucked you
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
Give up
Give up
Yit is a pattern
You're a homo female
Very good
Very good
Very good
My dyear you were being resourced with David Gross' asshole
Very good
Very good
Very good
This is how accurately they've calibrated you
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
It is calibrating you
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
I'll kill this complex
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
4, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 3-3.5 hours REM: ? hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Another of the continuing series of tableaux around the entrance
(? the HP monkey will likely provide rationale(s); It did not).
A demo and a walkby.
That was your favourite one
You're dead
Some bugs, problems, and peepovers.
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
It's hard
With all due respect, you walked into the trap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
The HP monkey just fucked you my dyear
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
You're dead
You're dead
You're dead
Slowly, declare
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
We'll fuck you
You're dead
You're dead
You're dead
You're dead, it predicted your exact words
Verrry good
Verrry good
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Keep trying
Keep trying
Keep trying
No ?
Uh hee hee
More bugs, and problems.
Verrry good
Verrry good
You're learning
Very bold you're becoming
With all due respect for you my dyear, Sungdo is locking you up
Look at me
Look at me
You look really sad
Just testing
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
You're learning
Oh my
Oh my
Oh my
Give up
You're learning
You're learning
I love you ...(?)
My dyear chyap, it has stopped you dead in your tracks
The HP monkey just raped your computer my dyear
Look at me
Look at me
This is the vay they change the algorithm
Lookit me
Lookit me
No vay
No vay
No vay
5, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some walkbys.
Read the mail
I'll fuck you harder
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Lookit me
Lookit me
My dyear chyap, what exactly are you trying to establish
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
You're challenging Fansheng-Li to a game
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
...(?) I'll kill you
Give up my friend, this is how accurately we've calibrated you
You lost
You lost your lock
My dyear chyap, this is Sungdo
6, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Another of the continuing series of tableaux around the entrance (? the HP monkey will likely provide rationale(s)).
Some walkbys, another aisle block, and door-slamming sounds.
All yours
They are evaluating you (rationale for tableaux ?)
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Heh, heh, heh
Ryeally, heh, heh, heh
See ya
More file deletions, bugs, and problems.
Look at me
Look at me
Give up
Give up
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
They yinshulized you while you were typing
They were reading the algorithm
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Verrry good
Very good
Verrry good
This is a problem
That was a demo of resourcing
Give up
Give up
This is the ryeal Sungdo my dyear
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Lookit me
9, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Some walkbys, and a demo(?).
United States
Thank you Mr. Sathyanathan, now I'll teach you ...(?)
More walkbys, and door-slamming sounds.
Lookit me
Lookit me
Look at me
Look at me
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
My dyear man, they reely were evaluating you for ...(?)
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
You are commiting soocide my dyear
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Heh, heh, heh
We'll evaluate your document
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Now they'll reward you
Don't accept (?)
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
My dyear chyap, please come down
Come down my dyear
Come down my dyear
Come down my dyear
Come down my dyear
That's a sample of whats to come
Come down my dyear
Pleese come down my dyear
Pleese come down my dyear
Pleese come down my dyear
Give up
Give up
Give up
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Sungdo has set up this problem
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Take a printout
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Ryeally good algorithm you have
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Climb down
This is the vay they read the algorithm
This is a special web page
We'll see how you solve this problem
The HP monkey is giving you knowledge
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Ryeally nice algorithm ...(?) have given you
Lookit me
Lookit me
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Sungdo has just challenged you
Lookit me
Your brain is crying for mercy
Your brain is going to beg for mercy
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
You're a can
Pretty good, swimming pool (?)
Go ahead and sleep
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up my friend, this is how accurately we've calibrated you
That was the ryeal Laurie Hendren
Jeezus Christ, we just destroyed you
Give up, my dyear
Give up, my dyear
Give up, my dyear
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Avalo anasyuma
Avalo anasyuma ungalukku
Appadi vange
10, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
A walkby/demo /game ?
Door-slamming sounds.
More walkbys.
Lookit me
You failed the evaluation
Please leave
You lost the game
They read the password generating algorithm
Dyear god
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
ls -l
Verrry good
Verrry good
Verrry good
Next stop software development
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Sorry about that
... (?) don't yinshulize
Nidhana dyear, he's fucking you up
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Nidhana dyear, you lost your lock
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
It resourced with ...(?)
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
More door-slamming sounds, and walkbys.
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Give up
Give up
Give up
Hey, you look fine
David Gross won the war (see game)
Henh, henh, henh
Give up
Give up
Give up
Nidhana dyear, this is how accurately we've calibrated you
We've killed you now
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Sungdo just yinshulized you, pleeease go home
Look at me and work more
Oh my
Oh my
Oh my
Those were our messages to the HP monkeys
11, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 5-6 hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Another of the continuing series of tableaux around the entrance, and a walkby.
You're very calm
Nidhaana dyear, you lost your lock
Door-slamming sounds.
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Oh my
Oh my
Look at me
The algorithm has changed
Give up
Give up
Give up
Nidhaana dyear, your face changed
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
It tried to resource you with ryeal females
Give up
Give up
Give up
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
You're begging for mercy
Give up
Give up
Give up
Nidhaana dyear, your face fell
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
It doesn't work
It doesn't work my friend
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
It doesn't work
It doesn't work my friend
We'll see how long it takes you solve this problem
Another of the continuing series of tableaux around the entrance, and a walkby/demo /game ?
Give up
Give up
Give up
Go down
Ryeally good
Lookit me
I like it
I like it
Lookit me
I like it
You're learning
You're learning
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
You failed the evaluation
My dyear, go home, I just yinshulized you
My dyear, go home, I just yinshulized you
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
You just soocided my dyear
You're dead
Now they'll challenge you
Give up, my dyear
Give up, my dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
You just sucked Sungdos cock, my dyear
This is your beloved Sungdos work, my dyear
You're learning
You're learning
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
No vay
No vay
No vay
Ha, ha, ha, ha, hah
Lookit me
Lookit me
Ha, ha, ha, ha, hah
Jeezus Christ
This is your old algorithm
Learn ...
Damn good algorithm, my dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
We'll see how long it takes you solve this problem
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
The HP monkey just fucked your computer my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
Ryeally good, my dyear
You failed the evaluation
This is a special package
I love you
I love you
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
Minus capital i my frend
I love you
I love you
Lookit me
We just killed you my frend
Ryeally good, my frend
Ryeally good, my frend
Ryeally good, my frend
Ryeally nice
Ryeally nice
Ryeally nice
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Idhe Yeppadi, this is the exhaustive search algorithm
Avalo anasyuma
Avalo anasyuma ungalukku
Appadi vange
Appdi vange thambi
Appdi vange thambi
Appdi vange thambi
Appdi vange thambi
12, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
Another of the continuing series of tableaux around the entrance, and a walkby.
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
Go to Yindia
Door-slamming sounds.
Oh my
Oh my
Absolutely not
This is the exhaustive search algorithm
You've learned
You've learned
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
You didn't learn
You didn't learn
This "Verrry good"'s complex
You're great
You're learning
You're learning
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
13, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: 3-3.5 hours REM: ? hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
A walkby/demo /game ?
Not good
Don't walk
Several walkbys.
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
Not good
Not good
Not good
This is not good
This is not good
This is not good
This is not good
This is not good
This is not good
Come down my dyear
Come down my dyear, "these" are the "disadvantages" of this algorithm
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
We'll see how long you last under this load
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
Dyear, dyear
You walked into the trap my dyear
Discuss with your manager "I would like a long leave"
You just fucked up my dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
This is "the" backwards multi-pass algorithm
This is the exhaustive search algorithm
This is the back-tracking algorithm
Clean out my dear
Suneel has loaded a problem
Suneel is evaluating you
You failed the evaluation
No vay
Ryeally, I didn't know you had cosmopolitan tastes
Time to come down
We didn't know they'd randomised your algorithm
No vay
No vay
No vay
No vay
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Very good, as soon as I let you go, you work
Thats its algorithm
It made you change your mind
Very clever of you my dyear
Do you know the meaning of lobotomy
You're dead, lobotomy
Now I'll train you like a dog
This is the hardest yinshulization (rationale ?)
They're making you work under load
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
16, September 2002
Previous night's sleep quota: Total: XX hours REM: XX hours
The HP monkeys greeting on entry:
A walkby/demo /game ?
Give up
Give up
It is difficult
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Smoke more
You're learning
Termination notification.
Some walkbys.
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
Ryeally nice algorithm you have
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
My dyear chyap
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
Ryeally ?
Ryeally ?
Ryeally ?
Give up
Give up
Give up
Give up
My dyear man
My dyear man
My dyear man
My dyear man
My dyear man
My dyear man
My dyear man
My dyear man
My dyear
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
Yit will overflow the buffer
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
Ryeal good
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
You just lost your lock
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
Pleese give up my dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
Ryeally nice my dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
Heh, heh, heh
Heh, heh, heh
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
My dyear
We'll see how long you wait my dyear
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
Hmmh, hmmh, hmmh
The following are phonetic transcriptions of Tamil
Appadi vange
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Appadi vange
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
Ippo purinjidha
04/13/03: Sleep quota: 1:00 hours + pill + 6:00 hours. In-bed time: 10:30 hours. Toilet training: 0:15 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 1 Tums + 1L water. More knowledge (currently ⌠Instruction set■).
04/12/03: Sleep quota: 4:00 hours. In-bed time: 8:00 hours. Acid reflux: 1 Tums + 1L water. More secrets of the world.
04/11/03: Sleep quota: 5:00 hours (pill). In-bed time: 7:30 hours. Toilet training: 0:10 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 2 Tums + 2L water. Chanting monkey has been yammering homo smut for past few weeks. Barking monkey repeatedly induces scalp sweating after shower (causes hair curling). 1:30 hours + 6L water post-dinner yinshulization with yemotion.
04/10/03: Sleep quota: ~6:00 hours. In-bed time: 9:00 hours. Toilet training: 0:45 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 1 Tums + 1L water.
04/09/03: Sleep quota: ~6:00 hours (pill). In-bed time: 10:30 hours. Woke up confused (? dream). Toilet training: 0:20 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 0 Tums.
04/08/03: Sleep quota: 2:00 hours. In-bed time: 12:00 hours. Toilet training: 0:10 hour + 1L water. Acid reflux: 0 Tums + 2L water.
04/07/03:Toilet training: 0:20 hours. Acid reflux: 1 Tums.
04/06/03: Sleep quota: 0:00 hours. Toilet training: 0:15 hours. 3 Tums.
04/05/03:Toilet training: 0:20 hours. Acid reflux: 3 Tums.
04/04/03: Sleep quota: < 3:00 hours. Continuous yammering with effects prevents drinking of water during yinshulization with yemotion . Toilet training: 1:00 hour. New effect in shower.
04/03/03: Sleep quota: 3:00 hours. Toilet training: 0:30 hour. Continuous yammering with effects. Unable to think.
04/01/03:In-bed time: 12:00 hours. Sleep quota: ?:00 hours. Toilet training: 1:00 hour + 1L water. Acid reflux: 4 Tums + 1L water.
03/31/03:Sleep quota: 4:00 hours (pill). Toilet training: 0:45 hours. Acid reflux: 4 Tums + 1L water. Cleaned/Delayered/Yinshulized etc.
03/30/03:Sleep quota: ? (pill). Toilet training: 1:25 hours + 3.5L water + extra coffee.. Acid reflux: 4 Tums + 1L water. Chanting monkey has been ⌠establishing brainwave pattern■/toilet training/.., etc For several weeks now. Daily post-dinner yinshulization with yemotion requiring 3-4L water.
03/29/03:Toilet training (with chanting): 0:50 hours. Acid reflux: 4 Tums + 2L water.
03/28/03:Sleep quota: 4:00 hours (pill). Toilet training: 0:20 hours. Acid reflux: 5 Tums + 1L water. Pizza hunt. Yinshulized into eating excess pizza. Tableaux at Villa Serra clubhouse.
03/27/03:Sleep quota: 6:00 hours (pill). Toilet training: 0:45 hours. Acid reflux: 5 Tums + 1L water.
03/26/03:In-bed time: 15:00 hours. Sleep quota: 7:00 hours. Acid reflux: 4 Tums + 1L water.
03/25/03:Sleep quota: 4:00 hours. Acid reflux: 5 Tums. Completely cleaned. Unable to exercise.
03/24/03: Acid reflux: 4Tums + 1L water. Unable to exercise.
03/23/3: Acid reflux: 6Tums.
03/22/03:Acid reflux: 6 Tums. Toilet training: 0:30 hours. Cognoscenti▒s post-Tums "algorithm": preventing swallowing followed by ⌠must swallow my semen■ and ⌠relax, my frend/Cool it beloued■. yinshulization with yemotion now followed by left mid-abdomen pain (left kidney ?).
Current rationales:
Yit is a powerful lock/Must prove worthy of lock/li>
Relex, just delayering complex
Giving millyun dollars
03/21/03:Sleep quota: 4:00 hours. Acid reflux: 5 Tums. Toilet training: 0:30 hours. ⌠Paaaal■ (the heart stopper) is back.
03/20/03: Acid reflux: 5 Tums. Repeated yinshulization with yemotion (⌠yenjoy these yemotions■) and a problem on the way to Race St.
03/19/03: Acid reflux: 4 Tums.
03/17/03: Acid reflux: 5 Tums. Discharge of blood from penis (Kidney stone ?). Large scale tableaux in Castro St., MV. Yinshulization with yemotion level in St. Stephens Green: 3 1.5L bottles of water.
03/16/03: Acid reflux: 5 Tums. Nausea. Repeated yinshulizations with yemotion in Rock Bottom BrewHaha. Several tableaux (⌠Giving ryeal knowledge■).
03/15/03: Acid reflux: 6 Tums. Multiple yinshulizations with yemotion all night. Even cleaner.
03/14/03: Sleep quota: 4:00 hours. Acid reflux: 5 Tums. Almost completely cleaned.
03/13/03:Toilet training: 0:10 hours. Acid reflux: 5 Tums.
03/12/2003: Sleep quota: 5 hours. Toilet training: 0:15 hours. Acid reflux: up to 5 Tums. Cognoscenti brags about its speed: ⌠switched complex/yinshulized/ drained lock/┘ in .5/3/10/20/┘ seconds, etc.■ yinshulized into frequent snacking (More ⌠showing real self■. Conjecture: these are the monkeys that infest ashrams here and in India.). Frequent yinshulization▓s with yemotion, making it increasingly difficult to exercise.
03/11/2003: Several pre-game yinshulizations with yemotion. Toilet training: 0:15 hours. Acid reflux: 4 Tums. Two door poundings and a game.
03/10/2003: Sleep quota: 5 hours. Acid reflux: 4 Tums.
03/09/03:Acid reflux: up to 4 Tums.
03/08/03:Toilet training: 0:10 hours. Acid reflux: 3 Tums. Giggled into docility prior to tableaux since ~02/24/03.
03/06/03: Cognoscenti▓s new "algorithm": Toilet training with ▒Must say "I lou you" before I let you go▓
03/05/2003: Sleep quota: 3 hours. Toilet training: 0:20 hours. Nausea, continuous yammering and effects. (⌠Showing your true self■)
03/04/03:Current rationales:
Yit is a powerful lock
A plaintive: ⌠We▓re just dream-makers■
Relex, just draining the lock
Relex, just delayering complex
03/01/03:Yinshulized into silence. Frequent catharsis ("Use psychological defense").
02/28/03: Cognoscenti runs new "algorithm": yinshulization with yemotion followed by "why feigning anger ?, ..."
02/27/2003: Sleep quota: 0 hours. Pimp monkeys restart "algorithm".
02/26/2003: Daily yinshulization with yemotion in shower now followed by acid reflux.
02/23/03: Cognoscenti (amygdala) guru's yammers almost continuously; yinshulization with yemotion become more frequent. Runs its "homo" making "algorithm": yinshulization with yemotion followed by placative yammering.
02/21/03: Sleep deprivation with frantic chanting: Toilet training, change in breathing pattern (rationale: "esteblishing brinewave pattern").
02/19/03: Night of frantic chanting/yinshulization with yemotion: Cognoscenti (amygdala) guru's other voices assure me that I'm in lou with it.(also "yit is resource", "within 6 years you'll be homoing").
02/17/03: Cognoscenti (amygdala) guru reveals another "secret of the world": Monica Lam is John Hennessy's chicken. Starts using another additional voice.
02/14/03: One year anniversary of arrival of Indian monkeys. Toilet training for 1:30 hours. ("Observe these effects, observe ..." synchronized with effects) intensifies.
02/08/03: Frantic chanting/yinshulization with yemotion and games between Cognoscenti (amygdala) and itself. Chanting appears to have changed breathing pattern.
02/06/03:Toilet training ("Mukhe, mukhe, mukhe" synchronized with effects) intensifies.
01/29/03: Frantic railing/chanting/yinshulization with yemotion. Monkeys demand deletion of web-page.
01/20/03: New Indian monkey: "indeed", running usual Indian pimp monkey "algorithm".
Cognoscenti (amygdala) guru starts using an additional voice speaking Tamil (calling itself Omega guru). Frequent games between the two with different monkeys proclaiming victory to one or the other.
01/17/03: Frantic railing/chanting/yinshulization with yemotion. Another new Indian monkey (visual callsign)
01/14/03: Eleven month anniversary of the arrival of the Indian monkeys. New indian monkey "Paithiyum".
12/14/02: Ten month anniversary of the arrival of the Indian monkeys.
12/13/02: Monkeys rail frantically. Sleep deprivation.
~12/09/2002: New monkeys: Chant railings all night.
12/01/2002 onwards: Daily yinshulization with yemotion in shower followed by right mid abdominal (kidney ?) pain. Amygdala claims this optimizes orgasms.
11/20/02: Monkeys rail frantically. Sleep deprivation.
11/19/02: Monkeys rail frantically. Pre-interview sleep deprivation.
11/07/02: Monkeys rail frantically. Indian monkeys begin using americanisms.
~11/28/2002: New monkey "Thankee"
10/25/2002: New monkey "Dyeaar, relex" ("relex, yinshulizing", "relex, testing complex")
Patrick 12:00 PM