Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Patrick 11:12 AM
06/30/03: Yinshulized out of apartment again. More sleep deprivation; early morning pill results in late wakeup and parking ticket. Completely brinewaved.
06/26/03: Indian monkeys yinshulize with yemotion, sleep depriving me prior to meeting Monica: 2 pills. Monkeys yammer "Feast your eyes on beloud/Focus on her ankles"/etc. in weekly meeting.
06/24/03: Indian monkeys restart their "algorithm" with "esteblishing brinewave", yinshulizing with yemotion, sleep depriving, flashing images (less porn than before).
06/20/03: Monkeys interrupt peristalsis; sometimes in the night (waking me up and yinshulizing with yemotion): 3 pills this week (to go back to sleep).
06/19/03: Monkeys yinshulize in AA meetings; usually unable to listen/speak.
06/16/03: Cognoscenti adds knowledge to homo smut ("1000 amps/Yit is phonemes" etc.) chanting monkey keeps "esteblishing brinewave pattern" etc. and keeps "showing/demonstrating" what it has "yimplemented".
05/30/03: Back to algorithms after some psychobabble. chanting monkey keeps "esteblishing brinewave pattern" etc. especially in apartment. Lots of americanisms and knowledge from Indian monkeys. "Give up, give up, .../Damn good, damn good, ..." as I type this.
05/27/03: Have been yinshulized out of apartment. Lots of shopping with Cognoscenti occasionally urging me to walk out without paying.
04/22/03: Sleep quota: pill + 7:00 hours poor sleep interrupted by chanting monkey "esteblishing brinewave pattern" etc. Changed breathing pattern.
In-bed time: 10:00 hours.Toilet training: 0:15 hours. Acid reflux replaced by chant induced swallowing of soap: 4 Tums.
04/21/03: Sleep quota: ~1:00 hours. In-bed time: 8:30 hours. Toilet training: 0:10 hours. Acid reflux: 1 Tums + l water. Monkeys try to convince ⌠Yit is good day¡ö/etc.
04/20/03: Sleep quota: 1:00 hours + pill + 5:00 hours. In-bed time: 0:10 hours. Acid reflux: 0 Tums.
04/19/03: Sleep quota: 6:00 hours. In-bed time: 6:30 hours. Toilet training: 0:25 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 0 Tums.
04/18/03: Sleep quota: 2:00 hours + pill + 3:30 hours. In-bed time: 9:15 hours. Toilet training: 0:10 hours. Acid reflux: 0 Tums. Intense in-shower yinshulization with yemotion.
04/17/03: Chanting monkey claims to be ⌠soljer guru¡ö and yammers militaryspeak.
(⌠Yanshunt yindian technique¡ö ?)
04/16/03: Sleep quota: pill + 4:00 hours + pill + 4:00 hours (total 8:00 hours: the first time since arrival of Indian monkeys (02/14/2002)). In-bed time: 11:30 hours.Toilet training: 0:50 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 1 Tums + 1L water. Chanting monkey yammers ⌠Obey commands¡ö/©¼ etc. continuously, sometimes causing involuntary extension of mid/fore fingers.
04/15/03: Sleep quota: 2:00 hours. In-bed time: 7:15 hours. Toilet training: 0:15 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 1 Tums. Cleaned/Delayered/Yinshulized etc. Yinshulized into eating 3 pastries. (ryeal self, etc.).
04/14/03: 14-month anniversary of arrival of Indian monkeys.
Sleep quota: < 5:00 hours. In-bed time: 9:00 hours. Toilet training: 0:30 hours + 1L water. Acid reflux: 1 Tums + 1L water. Sleep deprivation rationale: ⌠No licking allowed¡ö now in its 14-th month of use. Continuous chanting has changed sitting/standing posture.
04/02/03:Sleep quota: 6:00 hours (pill). Toilet training: 0:20 hours. Acid reflux: 2 Tums.
Arrested for "public intoxication" inside BJs. Taken to San Jose Main Jail for ???. At SJ Main Jail:
Talked into signing pre-booking form before reading it "I haven¨ˆt got all day" (with folding of top half of form by movie-like cop (Bill Murray-ish). Cognoscenti kept yammering "anaphylactic shock" occasionally (as chanting monkey is right now). Frequent door slamming by cops interspersed with yinshulization with yemotion by yammering monkeys. Waited 6:00 hours before release. Given one glass of water by young female (refused own bottle of water "you don¨ˆt get that in here").
Subsequent requests for water denied.
Each request to find out what happens next met with: "You have to wait for medical evaluation¡ö
"It takes 5 hours¡ö
"You have to wait for the interview¡ö©¼ ⌠the (mumble) interview¡ö.
Talked into signing booking (?) form by R. Sato before reading it ⌠You have to sign this¡ö. ⌠If you don¨ˆt sign it you can go now but when you get pulled over the next time you will be arrested¡ö
and neighbouring prisoner ⌠Andrew¡ö:
⌠Sign it¡ö
⌠If you sign it you they will let you go now else you have to stay in jail for 3 days¡ö
⌠You did the right thing¡ö
Monkeys yammer rapidly without effects on taxi ride back.
Chanting monkey threatens ⌠continuously I will yammer at you¡ö as I write this.
Chanting continuously yammers when trying to recall events.
Continuous ⌠My dear man¡ö with effects as I type this. Unable to think.
Patrick 11:07 AM